Over the last few years, the rise in cases related to the Zika virus have reached levels that have caused quite a bit of hysteria throughout the world. While the initial outbreak began in Brazil, it has now spread to over 20 different countries. It has even reached the point where world leaders have had discussions about cancelling or moving the 2016 Olympics that take place in Rio, Brazil.
As the reported cases of the virus continue to rise, medical professionals have gone to work in an attempt to discover the best way that individuals can protect themselves. Being that the virus is spread primarily through the bite of a mosquito infected with the virus, mosquito control is currently being identified as the easiest and most effective way to do so.
The Problem
While mosquito control has been identified as the main solution to protecting one’s self against Zika, experts have yet to identify the best possible way of doing so. The main reason for this is because the threat of mosquitos and their ability to transmit diseases is an issue that has not been prioritized for quite some time.
The lack of prioritization of mosquito control has led to federal governments not dedicating the necessary time and resources to prevent these issues. Thus is the problem; no fail proof method has been developed for mosquito control. And even in instances where an extremely effect method has been developed, following through with the control process is generally very complex and costly.
But does all this mean that there is little that an individual can do to protect themselves from Zika and other viruses that are transmitted through mosquitos? Well, not exactly. There are still several methods available, although it should be noted that their effectiveness does vary.
Protecting Yourself with Mosquito Control
The first place you want to think about implementing mosquito control is at your home. At the end of the day, it is not possible for you to control how the places that you go handle their mosquito control. With that said, however, you should still focus on the areas that you can control.
For controlling mosquitos at home, your first plan of action should be to amend any areas where there is standing water. These areas can include things like gutters, downpipes, drains, or bird baths. If you have a small pond in your backyard, implementing a fountain or waterfall to circulate water can be effective.
Other options for protecting yourself include dressing properly, usually with long sleeves and pants, and making sure that you cover unprotected areas of your body with proven and safe repellant sprays. Committing to these methods will serve as a great way to prevent you or your family from developing Zika and other viruses.
In all, the most effective way to manage mosquitos in your yard is to hire a reputable landscape company that can provide mosquito control.
Additional Resources
To learn more valuable information regarding repelling mosquitos check out what Pest Repeller Center has published on the topic. Their comprehensive guide will provide you with loads of valuable information regarding repelling mosquitos. Stay ahead of the Zika virus. Follow the link below to better your education on the topic.