christmas tree cut vs live

Why You Should Plant a Live Christmas Tree Instead of Purchasing a Cut Tree

IFor those who celebrate Christmas, a Christmas tree is a special part of the holiday celebration. Many people have fond memories of opening gifts, singing carols or just gathering around the tree with family and friends to celebrate the holiday. Choosing a live Christmas tree is becoming more popular as more people are becoming aware of the benefits of a live tree versus one that is cut. A live Christmas tree can add more fun, memories, and joy to your Christmas celebrations.

lawn aeration

Benefits of Aerating Your Lawn; Fall is the Best Time for This

Core aeration is when you remove small “cores” of soil from your lawn. It’s also called coring or spiking. Core aeration makes your lawn healthier and decreases the need for maintenance. It’s win-win!

Aeration occurs naturally through the process of air exchange between the atmosphere and the soil. When the soil becomes compacted or overloaded with debris, natural aeration needs human intervention. Plan to aerate your home lawn every year. If you need to aerate a busier lawn, such as on a golf fairway or in a public park, you may need to aerate up to five times annually.

green plants

Green Plants: The Healthy Choice

It’s not your imagination. You do feel better when you are surrounded by living green plants! Well-maintained attractive green landscapes increase the value of your property and improve your health. The Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania recently released its findings on the positive health effects experienced by people who walked near…