Winter Pruning

Winter Pruning Guide for Trees and Shrubs

Trees and shrubs don’t just offer greeneries but they can also serve as a boundary between adjoining properties. Aside from that, they can be a barrier too, for keeping stray animals from entering your property or add to the overall appearance to your property. Without proper care and pruning, they can become an eyesore or worse, pose a risk to your property and family. Most people don’t recognize the need for pruning until spring and summer, so why should you consider it now?

Five Reasons to Hire a Hardscaping Expert

According to the recent survey, about 87% of American homebuyers want a home with beautiful landscaping. Gone are the days when homeowners only focus on improving the home’s interior. If you want to make your home more appealing to the eyes of your family members and guests or even homebuyers in the future, then you need to expand your improvement plans for your outdoor space.

Why Winter is the Perfect Time for Hardscaping Project?

Hardscaping is the implementation of the non-living elements in the landscaping world. Examples are the installation of bricks and stone walls, walkways, paver walls, retaining walls, wood arbors, patios, flagstone pathways, and pebble/cement driveways and walkways. Hardscape landscaping is a key part of landscape design; it will add the alluring sense or organization and a…

landscape and construction

What to Consider Before Investing in Landscaping or Construction

When it comes to landscaping, it’s usually narrowed down into two different categories: hardscape and softscape. Whether you invest in hardscaping or softscaping, they involve time, patience and energy. We encourage our customers to consult with one of our landscaping contractors regarding the amount of average time they can expect their renovation to take. However,…