Using a Drainage Solution for Utility or Beautification

Wet spots are a common issue that happens in many yards. The problem with these is because they will cause your grass and plants to die because they are not meant to be soaked underwater for too long. Soggy areas can cause leakage in your basement areas. So, what causes this wet spot? More often than not, having a lot of wet spots means that you have a poor drainage system in your yard. When your yard is not draining properly, you will have to experience plenty of drained problems which may cause costly problems in the future.

Retaining Walls and Their Many Applications

Do you often experience soil erosion, especially in areas that are not leveled? Well, luckily there is a solution for that, it’s called retaining walls. They will not only keep your yard intact, but they also add great aesthetic value. Generally, the purpose of retaining walls is to hold the soil behind them. If your property has a lot of sloped areas, using retaining walls is the best idea for you.

yard ponds and waterfall

Benefits of Creating a Relaxing Zen Atmosphere With a Waterfall Pond

With all the work we do every day, it’s no surprise that we deal with stress daily. When not managed properly, stress can cause a lot of health problems. That is why it’s important to find some time to stop whatever you are doing and relax. There are a lot of ways on how you can relax. Whether it’s reading a good book, enjoying a beer, talking to a friend or just enjoying a beautiful view inside your backyard, you can always do something to release your stress.

Importance of Applying Winterizing Fertilizer to Your Lawn

winterizing fertilizerThe winter months are coming, and if you treat your lawn, you know that the cold weather months can be detrimental to the health of your grass. Winterizing fertilizer is an important part of lawn care that prepares your grass to deal with the vicious wind and snow of the winter. This fertilizer is usually applied in the late fall, around October and November to help your grass store more food and stay healthy. This fertilizer is important for your grass in the winter months. However, it is unlike most fertilizers in the sense that it does not promote growth during the fall, but rather creates a more resilient lawn.

Is It Better To Rake The Leaves Or Mulch Them Into Lawn?

Fall is here, and soon all the leaves will be off the trees. Those trees that we love so much in the summer can now seem like a giant pain. Removing the leaves from your yard is a time-consuming process, especially if your yard is dominated by towering shade trees. These days when we are so busy, it can be difficult to find time to rake up all these leaves. Some believe that you must remove leaves to keep your lawn healthy, while others state that all you need to do is pulverize those leaves into nutrient-rich mulch. Here’s some information to help you decide what’s right for you and your lawn.

Put Your Patio To Use This Fall

Fall is a time to embrace the outdoors. The wonderful, brisk weather invites people to appreciate cooler temperatures. One place to fully appreciate great weather is right in one’s backyard. A well-designed patio is ideal for use all year long. When the cooler weather comes along, now is the time to think about making small changes. Small changes make it easy for the homeowner to lounge outside in the crisp air with a cup of hot cider as they welcome guests to their home.

yard ponds & waterfalls

Small Spaces Can Have the Most Dramatic Transformations

Do you have an empty front or back yard with a vision in your head of what you wish it could look like? Maybe you have ideas of what you want but you assume there’s just not enough space, but you would be surprised by the endless amount of possibilities that can come from just a small area. Many people look at a small space on their property and believe that there’s just no room to put anything, but with just a touch of planning and creativity you can make your dreams a reality in no time.

When Not to Water and How to Know When It’s Time

Plants vary widely in their water requirements and the amount of water needed depends on a number of factors: the type of plant, the stage of growth, if it is established or a recent transplant, soil type, weather and time of year. The first thing most of us do when we see our plants drooping, is to rush out and give them a drink. However, a thirsty plant and one that is suffering from overwatering both droop, wilt, and look generally unhappy. How to tell the difference? It all comes down to roots and soil.