rain garden

Design and Build a Rain Garden

With summer on the way, you can expect a lot of hot days, ice cream, pool trips, and rainstorms. Because of how hot it can get in the summer, thunderstorms can happen multiple times in a month in some areas. Because of this, your rain gutters usually work over time from June to August. Although…

outdoor LED lighting system

Converting Your Existing Halogen Outdoor Lighting System to a More Efficient LED Outdoor Lighting System

There is nothing more satisfying than enjoying your beautifully designed outdoor space and knowing that you’re saving money while doing so. Replacing your existing outdoor bulbs with an energy efficient LED lighting system will not only illuminate your outdoor space like you’ve never seen it before, but it will also turn your outdoor escape into an energy saving oasis.

landscape and construction

What to Consider Before Investing in Landscaping or Construction

When it comes to landscaping, it’s usually narrowed down into two different categories: hardscape and softscape. Whether you invest in hardscaping or softscaping, they involve time, patience and energy. We encourage our customers to consult with one of our landscaping contractors regarding the amount of average time they can expect their renovation to take. However,…