Curb Appeal
Location: Alexandria, VA
Client’s Objectives for Landscape:
The clients wanted an attractive landscape with a play area in the front yard for their young active children and an area for mom and dad to relax. The front yard was full of tree roots, the leftovers of three large stumps, and several large overgrown shrubs next to the house. To address the client’s objectives, the landscape plan created included leveling out the front lawn area to make it usable, removing the overgrown shrubs next to the foundation to make room for an assortment of edible and native plants, and the creation of a seating area that together would significantly improve the curb appeal of the property.
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Drag the circle with arrows to reveal this landscape transformation.
Main Features of the Landscape Project:
To make way for a level turf area, perfect for playing tag and soccer, the old stumps and jagged roots covering the lawn were ground and removed. Edible plants, such as raspberries, serviceberry, and blueberries as well as beneficial pollinator species and native trees, shrubs, and perennials were added to create a fresh look and provide the opportunity to harvest berries and observe pollinators at work.
The beautiful stone seat wall along the left boundary of the property serves as a barrier between the client’s garden and the adjacent property, which is also fun for the children to run along. Additional hardscape elements include rectangular flagstone pathways to allow for easy access to the sidewalk, back fence, and hose areas, which are both aesthetic and practical for accessibility.
The featured hardscaping in the front lawn is the pea gravel patio with a Belgian block border. The pea gravel makes for an excellent permeable surface with a satisfying “crunch” when walked upon and is kept in place by the beautiful Belgian block. Pea gravel was also used around the two front window wells along the house to raise their level and help grade the elevation away from the house for drainage. It is the perfect place for mom and dad to sit and relax with a glass of wine while the kids play in the front yard!
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Drag the circle with arrows to reveal this landscape transformation.
Major Challenges:
Drainage was a concern, even though the property was fairly level. Belgian block standing upright along the perimeter window wells was installed to allow the soil and river jack stone to have more of a slope away from the house. Another concern was fitting the client’s wish list into their budget. This was addressed by offering lower cost hardscaping alternatives, such as pea gravel and flagstone steppers instead of more expensive geo-cut patio and walkway options. The result was a much more organic feeling landscape that worked into their desire for an interactive landscape that benefitted both adults and children.
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Drag the circle with arrows to reveal this landscape transformation.
Special or Unusual Features:
The clients wanted to be able to participate in some of the installation of the landscape design plan. To help fit their budget, they decided to have CF prep the area next to their house and they installed the river jack stone recommended by their designer by themselves. In addition, CF installed a drain box area and the clients plan to install two rain chains.